Nielsen uses MotaWord’s fast, multilingual translation service to translate their market research results, e.g. consumer questionnaire responses.
When we think about how higher education and academic studies work in today’s world, one fact comes to the mind of every prolific academic writer: today’s academic world is interconnected on a global scale. As a result, academic research and professional academic translation usually go hand in hand. If you are one of many looking for a good academic translation service, MotaWord can be your greatest ally in your quest to reach an international body of knowledge.
ORDER NOWAcademic translation is a very wide subject. Simply put, every document that you might need in a university or in another academic context is within the scope of academic translation—be it academic papers, academic transcripts, academic certificates, BA dissertations, or textbooks. Academic texts usually deal with complex topics and are written for academics who are experts in their fields, not for laypeople. So, just choosing a translator who has a good command of both source and target languages is not enough for academic translation. You would need a professional academic translator who is familiar with the academic writing style, field-specific terminology, and relevant topics.
Researchers looking to publish articles in an international journal, university professors trying to create a good curriculum, students planning to apply to international universities, or pretty much anyone in the academic world needs to access research articles written in a language other than their own, and that’s where professional academic translation comes in. Here are some of the reasons you might need academic translation and why it would be to your advantage to have the translations done professionally:
Only having access to academic work that is published in one’s native language is incredibly limiting, both for researchers and students. Drawing from different bodies of knowledge is key to creating a good university syllabus or planning an extensive study. For researchers and aspiring doctoral students, translating transcripts and academic work is usually the first step in getting accepted into a renowned academic institution.
Let’s face it: There are wonderful researchers in every part of the world, but the majority of their work is either originally written in English or translated into English to be published in important academic journals. As a result, common academic tasks such as college applications, course planning, or literature reviews usually start with academic translation from English. If you want to stay up to date with the recent developments in your field, regularly working with an academic translator is a must.
You can receive service for the documents offered as examples to grab the attention of big figures in an academic field and eventually publish your work in an important academic publication. Aside from the examples provided, MotaWord's expert team of translators can work on a wide range of documents to meet your translation requirements.
Is an academic journal or a university asking for a translation certificate for the translation of your academic paper or academic transcript? No matter why you might need a certified academic translation, MotaWord has got you covered. We will provide a translation certificate upon request, completely free of charge. If you are looking for further information, you can learn more about the differences between certified translation, notarization, apostille, and sworn translation on the MotaWord blog.
The wide scope of academic translation makes choosing the right academic translator or translation service a little tricky. After all, a professional academic translator who usually works on texts related to the humanities and social sciences is not likely to have enough relevant experience to translate medical journals. A good academic translation agency should be able to match your project with professional translators who are experienced in your particular field, and matching academic translation projects with the right professionals is what MotaWord excels at.
Considering how important quality and fluency are for academic writing, you would want to choose the best academic translation service you can find. Let’s introduce you to MotaWord and its unique advantages.
We know that academic translation as a field requires high levels of expertise and specialization. To make sure we always deliver the high quality we promise to our clients, each academic translator goes through a rigorous screening process before they can join MotaWord’s translation team. Thanks to MotaWord’s unique translation system and its large translator base, we can match your academic translation project with the best academic translators who have ample experience in your field.
No matter how ground-breaking a research paper is, it would not gain much traction if no one could understand what it was about. Accuracy and fluency are integral parts of every research project and of our academic translation service. We use a multi-step approach to ensure these two key factors during the translation process. First, we create termbases to make sure we always use the right terminology. Then, we subject each academic translation to a detailed QA process to eliminate any errors related to grammar, spelling, terminology, and numbers. The last step is translation review, where a professional translator performs a final check to ensure we deliver an accurate and fluent translation every time.
MotaWord’s collaborative approach to translation and its fully online system make it possible to offer affordable academic translation rates without sacrificing speed or translation quality. How affordable are we talking about? You can see for yourself by heading over to our translation quote page. There, you can easily learn the final translation cost of your project. When you work with MotaWord, you will never see unexpected fees, such as certification fees or minimum fees, on your bill.
Being an online academic translation service not only lowers our costs but also simplifies the translation process by a great margin. All you have to do is upload your documents. We accept all document formats, so you do not even need to convert your translation files. When your files are submitted, our academic translators will start working on your translation project collaboratively, and you will usually receive your translated academic documents in a matter of hours, not days.
MotaWord accepts all document formats, including PDF. So, you don’t need to convert your PDF academic papers before submitting them for translation. If you are looking for more information about how we convert your PDF files to create a more translation-friendly format or how we assess the word count of your PDF documents, you can refer to our blog post about translating a PDF file.
If you need an academic transcript translation service for college enrollment or a job application, it would be a good idea to work with professional academic translators or a translation agency. Experienced professionals can provide error-free translations, which can make your application process go smoother. Moreover, many universities and research organizations require translation certificates for transcript translations. If you need a certified translation, let us know, and we will provide a certificate free of charge.
Do you have an online copy of the necessary document, and do you know what language you need the document translated into? If you answer “yes” to both of the questions, that’s great! You can visit our quote page to immediately learn the cost of your academic translation project.
We will be more than happy to answer any and all your questions. And we would gladly set up a live demo for your organization with one of our colleagues. If you need fast & accurate translation done within budget, you are at the right place. All you need to do is reach out to us.